Piece by Piece Stories

The most up to date information on what Piece by Piece is up to. Get updates on classes, artists, upcoming projects, and more.

  • Council Member Curren D. Price, Jr. with Piece by Piece Executive Director, Maggie Bohlman

    Piece by Piece Receives Council District 9 Community Grant

    We are honored to partner with Council Member Curren D. Price Jr.’s office to bring arts wellness to residents of Council District 9. We look forward to working with the other Community Grant recipients to serve our community.
  • Artists at a Piece by Piece workshop being instructed on new mosaic skills.

    July Classes - The Right Tool for the Job

    At Piece by Piece our classes have monthly themes that guide our workshops and broaden our larger vision of art. Each month, we take a look at all aspects of a subject and piece together ways to interpret our discoveries into mosaic. This month in our workshops and classes the artists focused on tool use.
  • Ellen Dinerman teaching a mosaic class.

    Ellen Dinerman: My Piece by Piece Story

    In so many ways Piece by Piece has been a bright spot for me during the pandemic. I feel honored to be involved with this organization! For those of you who have been in my classes thank you for making them special.
  • Two new employees stand near a mosaic of the Piece by Piece logo.

    Meet Our New Team Members!

    Piece by Piece Executive Director, Maggie Bohlman said “Everyone at Piece by Piece knew we needed some additional help, and we are so grateful to have found these two creative and energetic individuals who each bring their unique talents to the team. We are all so happy to have Tasha and Josh join the Piece by Piece family!”
  • A group of artists outdoors at a Piece by Piece workshop learning mosaic skills.

    Piece by Piece Focused on COVID Safety!

    We are so happy to have in-person classes available again after a very long hiatus. We continue to offer online workshops for those who prefer or need to stay remote, and we encourage everyone who is comfortable to attend the workshops offered at our studio in South Los Angeles! We understand COVID makes it a scary time to be out right now, and Piece by Piece has remained vigilant in keeping artists and staff safe while they are with us.
  • Two artist hunched over a table working on a mosaic of a globe.

    Our Social Enterprise is Growing thanks to The SAM Initiative!

    Thank you to The Sam Initiative for your generosity and faith in the important work we are doing in the community.  We look forward to sharing our progress as we continue to grow our Social Enterprise!