July Classes - The Right Tool for the Job

At Piece by Piece our classes have monthly themes that guide our workshops and broaden our larger vision of art. Each month, we take a look at all aspects of a subject and piece together ways to interpret our discoveries into mosaic. This month in our workshops and classes the artists focused on tool use. Artists created pieces that made use of a variety of mosaic tools from glass cutters to nippers to the traditional hammer and hardie.

Artist Kim breaking a plate with a hammer

Artist Kim breaking a plate with a hammer. 

A valuable part of creativity is finding the right tool for the project. In July, our artists learned about and practiced with a variety of essential tools for mosaic, including the traditional hammer and hardie, nippers, and glass cutters. In the beginning workshop, participant artists experimented with different tools (including breaking a plate with a hammer!). In the directed studies workshops, instructor Ellen Dinerman led the group in creating an artwork that made use of three different types of materials that required three different types of tools. With these skills, our team can reach even further into their creativity for some wonderful artworks.

Program Director Dawn Teaching Students how to use tools in Mosaic
Program director Dawn showing new students different tools available for mosaic.

Online classes are currently offered Tuesdays. In-person classes are offered Wednesday. All of our classes are at no cost and materials are supplied. For more information please contact jadie@piecebypiece.org


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