The Power of Words - A twist on November's book theme!

“No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” — John Keating.

In November, artist Instructor Ellen Dinerman offered a unique take on our books theme. She challenged Piece by Piece artists in a series of workshops that studied the history and development of type and typefaces, and also examined unique techniques used to create lettering in mosaic. The class also looked at the power of words and how they can serve as sources of inspiration and expression. 

“To get people thinking, I asked a few questions of the group,” Ellen explained. “What are the words that guide you in life? Are there words that you meditate on? Are there words that you rely on as a mantra or reminder of your values?” This prompted a conversation that led to participant artists choosing a specific word that had meaning to them and then “write it” in mosaic.

A variety of skills including cutting techniques, color theory, and design were incorporated into the classes. Lettering in mosaic can be one of the most challenging projects because of the sometimes intricate nature of type. Each participant artist used materials of their choice, and then collaboratively assembled their individual pieces into a single artwork. 

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