Piece by Piece Stories

The most up to date information on what Piece by Piece is up to. Get updates on classes, artists, upcoming projects, and more.

  • Colorful circle mosaics on a white wall.

    Hollywood Circle Wall

    For this wonderful project, we were contacted by a client who was doing some renovations to his yard and wanted an art element added to the retaining wall of his pool. He was looking for something energetic and vibrant. Inspired by Kandinsky's...

  • Artist holding a mosaic portrait of a woman.

    Meet Piece by Piece Artist: June

    June with her first sold piece.  Piece by Piece artisan June has an effervescent spirit. She is gentle and enthusiastic. She is optimistic and inclusive. She is finding her way through a new phase in her life, and always looks...

  • Meet the Artist – John

    Meet the Artist – John

    At a Piece by Piece workshop, you might hear artisan John quote from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. He knows most of it by heart. His sense of humor and entertaining stories keep everyone smiling. Although he expresses himself well through the vivid...

  • Meet the Artist — Hilda M.

    Meet the Artist — Hilda M.

    One of our most dedicated artisans at Piece by Piece is Hilda M. She is a thoughtful, creative and energetic person who is always ready and willing to help others, and eager to expand her own knowledge in mosaic art. Originally from...

  • Featured Piece by Piece Artist: Hugo S.

    Featured Piece by Piece Artist: Hugo S.

    “The most important things I have learned is how to use the mosaic tools; moreover, I have learned the different kinds of cut on the glass; the color of the grout I use in each project; how to mix paint colors; and what andamento to use in each project.”
  • Artist working on a mosaic lamp during a Piece by Piece workshop.

    Featured Piece by Piece Artist: Guadalupe G.

    Although Guadalupe joined our program only little over one year ago, she has quickly become an enthusiastic participant in every workshop, and is working as a qualified artist on one of our large commission projects. Since her first days at...