Piece by Piece Artists

The Piece by Piece Artists below have progressed through the Piece by Piece class offerings and certificate program demonstrating their perseverance and skill.  They are now engaged with the Piece by Piece social enterprise. Artists have the opportunity to create and produce both personal and commercial work.  Some artists in the program chose not to sell their work publicly, it is their choice. For those that do wish to sell their work, their profiles are presented below.

Learn more about our programs and how to become a Piece by Piece Artist here.

Artist Alumni

We appreciate all our artists, present and past. A huge thank you to those that have been a part of our programs, they will always be a part of the Piece by Piece family!  Even when an artist has moved onto the next phase of their lives we still offer their work for sale, allowing them to continue to earn supplementary income. 

This is a partial list. Please come back for updates.

  • Alicia G.

    Alicia is a kind and joyful spirit who worked with Piece by Piece for many years before the pandemic. She enjoyed working with projects highlighting her love of her family. She liked both bright and natural materials in her work.

  • Alvaro

    Alvaro was a natural talent in mosaic. He had a clear vision in his mind of how each piece was going to be created and often included surprising and delightful additions to his work such as a piece of cloth or material to add interest.

  • Blanca R.

    Blanca worked with our Studio Prep Associates for many years. An avid learner that always had a bright smile. With each piece she made, she challenged herself to learn something new. Her favorite material was stained glass.

  • Carola F.

    Carola participated in Piece by Piece workshops from the first sessions downtown. Her work is colorful and full of bright energy. She liked experimenting with different materials and especially loved glass.

  • Carole B.

    Carole has always had creativity in her life, from working with pastels (her favorite) to oil painting to working for years as a florist. She brought a rich background of art experience and a sensitivity to color that everyone at Piece by Piece appreciated.

  • Diane A.

    Dianne was a natural to mosaic art and enjoys infusing different materials in with her mostly stained glass mosaics.

  • Fulvia S.

    Fulvia had a love for creating animals in mosaic and working in stained glass.

  • Guadalupe G.

    Guadalupe worked on both large scale and smaller works. She especially enjoyed working on 3D surfaces and finding unique materials the surprised and delighted viewers.

  • Heather H.

    Heather came to Piece by Piece with great enthusiasm and embraced mosaic. Her favorite thing to make was mosaics shoes.

  • Hugo N.

    Hugo came to Piece by Piece its first year and was a very prolific and talented artist. He loved challenging himself with new and larger pieces. He continues to create beautiful mosaics from his home in Mexico.

  • Jaime M.

    Jaime is one of our most prolific mosaic artists who embraced working with concrete. He built his own 3D substrates and used all sorts of recycled materials in his pieces. Jaime is a dedicated supporter of his fellow artists and passionate about creating mosaic art.

  • Jaime S.

    Jaime is a talented mosaic artist who takes great pride in their work. Through a series of programs and workshops, they learned technical skills and the ability to expand their creative voice as a certified mosaic artist.

  • Juan N.

    Juan was a very talented artist who loved any type of art form. In mosaic, he was especially adept at using tiny pieces of scrap glass and tile to create beautiful nature scenes.

  • Kim M.

    Kim is an artist from Wisconsin, who lived in LA for many years and is currently living in Central CA. She loves creating art around animals and the ocean.

  • Magdalena D.

    Magdalena enjoyed challenging herself in mosaic, and like working mostly in scrap stained glass.

  • Marta V.

    Marta had a delicate and lovely style of mosaic, making artwork that reflected her unending kindness and sense of beauty.

  • Ninive S.

    Ninive is a talented artist who enjoyed making mosaics large and small! Her favorite mosaics to make were mandalas.

  • Rosa M.

    Rosa was a quiet woman with a colorful sense of design. She especially enjoyed making mosaics of birds.

  • Terry W.

    Terry worked with our Studio Prep Associates, a team within Piece by Piece that supported workshops by preparing materials and finishing work for commissions. Her personal work was detailed, colorful and passionate. She infused meaning into each piece and loved to work with glass.

  • TJ

    TJ came to mosaic for arts wellness. He enjoyed the process of creating and spending time with fellow students in the workshops. His work reflected his hopeful and joyful soul. (RIP)

  • Victor V.

    Victor had a background in cutting glass and brought those skills to Piece by Piece. He had laser-sharp accuracy in his work and loved to create geometric work.