Piece by Piece Stories

The most up to date information on what Piece by Piece is up to. Get updates on classes, artists, upcoming projects, and more.

  • Customers Love Piece by Piece

    Customers Love Piece by Piece

    Customer testimonials let participant artists know their work is appreciated and that they are adding value to businesses, and providing meaningful art for individual customers. Here's a glimpse into some customer's feedback for the work done by Piece by Piece artists
  • Get to know Luz Mack-Durini of Piece by Piece

    Get to know Luz Mack-Durini of Piece by Piece

    At Piece by Piece, we are immensely proud of Luz Mack-Durini and grateful for her contributions. She embodies the spirit of our organization, bringing creativity, dedication, and a sense of community to everything she does.
  • Building Community Through Art at the REDF Retreat

    Building Community Through Art at the REDF Retreat

    At Piece by Piece the transformative power of art is used to bring people together, foster creativity, and promote wellness. Our recent collaboration with REDF at their community retreat is a great example of this.
  • Mixed Media Robots

    Mixed Media Robots

    In May, artist instructor Julie Williams returned to teach a workshop using mixed media. The focus was on recycled materials including a variety of metal pieces to make mosaic robots. In addition to sparking creativity, this class also focused on proper adhesives to use for different materials.
  • History of Mosaic Classes

    History of Mosaic Classes

    In April, Piece by Piece artists went back in time with visiting mosaic artist Tracey Corinne. This month’s workshops focused on the history of mosaic, with an emphasis on the types of materials early mosaicists used. Tracey shared some great historical imagery and led a discussion on creating with a limited palette
  • Welcome Amir and Marieme to Piece by Piece!

    Welcome Amir and Marieme to Piece by Piece!

    Piece by Piece is excited to welcome Marieme Drame and Amir Abdolvahabi, two AmeriCorps volunteers in the VISTA program. Functioning in B2B marketing and volunteer coordinating respectively.