Piece by Piece Stories

The most up to date information on what Piece by Piece is up to. Get updates on classes, artists, upcoming projects, and more.

  • June Workshops Focus on Installation Techniques

    June Workshops Focus on Installation Techniques

    In June, artist instructor Tracey Corinne taught a series of workshops focusing on installation techniques. Practicing these different methods builds skills that help artists make decisions on their future projects both in design and practicality. 
  • March Classes focus: Glass on Glass

    March Classes focus: Glass on Glass

    There’s something magical when light and glass come together. The refraction and reflection illuminates the spirit and brightens any space. In March, Instructor Luz Mack and Assistant Instructor Jose Morales taught a glass on glass workshop with a votive as the base.
  • February Focus on Andamento

    February Focus on Andamento

    In February, Piece by Piece artists turned their focus to andamento, the visual flow and direction in a mosaic artwork. This technique helps to create patterns and direction, making a more cohesive piece.
  • January Directed Studies - Working with Clay with Ellen Dinerman

    January Directed Studies - Working with Clay with Ellen Dinerman

    To kick off the new year, instructor Ellen Dinerman led a workshop on making clay reliefs, experimenting in particular with texture and glazes. “Participants really enjoyed the clay relief project. The studio was so quiet with everyone working away; learning to carve clay and making various textures,” said instructor Ellen.
  • October Sculpture Mosaic Workshop

    October Sculpture Mosaic Workshop

    At the end of every year, all participants, staff, instructors, and volunteers gather to envision the new year, choosing the skills artists want to hone and projects they want to create. Mosaic shoes was one of the most requested workshops.
  • Cartoon drawings on paper.

    Unleashing Creativity: Cartoons and Drawing Workshop at Piece by Piece

    As we reflect on the July workshop, let us be reminded that art is not solely about the end result but also the journey – a journey that Julie Williams masterfully guided us through, helping us break free from self-imposed limitations and inspiring us to create fearlessly, piece by piece.