Piece by Piece Stories

The most up to date information on what Piece by Piece is up to. Get updates on classes, artists, upcoming projects, and more.

  • Volunteer Spotlight - Ally Rose Halliburton

    Volunteer Spotlight - Ally Rose Halliburton

    Ally is an exemplar of everything you would hope to see in a volunteer. Compassion, generosity, and an authentic desire to help others.
  • Empowering Artists’ Voices: Piece by Piece at the LAEDC Summer Mixer

    Empowering Artists’ Voices: Piece by Piece at the LAEDC Summer Mixer

    Piece by Piece had the amazing opportunity to showcase participant artists' beautiful mosaics at the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) Committee Meeting & Summer Mixer.
  • Welcome John to Piece by Piece!

    Welcome John to Piece by Piece!

    Piece by Piece is excited to welcome its third AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer for this fiscal year, John Montgomery. He has previously served in AmeriCorps for two years, working closely with diverse communities to foster growth and engagement.
  • June Workshops Focus on Installation Techniques

    June Workshops Focus on Installation Techniques

    In June, artist instructor Tracey Corinne taught a series of workshops focusing on installation techniques. Practicing these different methods builds skills that help artists make decisions on their future projects both in design and practicality. 
  • A Heartfelt Collaboration

    A Heartfelt Collaboration

    At Piece by Piece, we believe in the power of art to bring communities together. This belief was beautifully illustrated in a recent project: a stunning 3D heart sculpture, standing 5 feet tall, 4 feet wide, and 2 feet deep.
  • Building Bonds Through Art

    Building Bonds Through Art

    Recently, Piece by Piece Artistic Director Dawn Mendelson, alongside instructor Betty Rosen and artists June C. and Vickie M., led a team-building workshop for Connections for Children (CFC).